Team History



In 2024, the team completed SEM-02, and our marketing team hosted our first ever vehicle unveiling event! It was a very exciting year with lots of manufacturing taking place. Unfortunately, due to the Shell Eco Marathon taking place during the team’s exam season, we were not able to bring the car to competition. However, as the team progresses, the decision was made to change competitions and to design SEM-03 for the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge and iLumen European Solar Challenge.

SEM 2023/24

The whole team in our new merch

SEM 2022/23

The team pictured in our first team meeting of the season


At the beginning of 2022, the team grew to our biggest team yet! With the help of the many new team members, SEM-02 started becoming reality, with lots of manufacturing being completed.


Ahead of our second competition, the team began the manufacture of SEM-02.

SEM 2021/22

The team Christmas meal following the end of the first semester

SEM 2020/21

Our team in our new merch


In 2020, Sheffield Eco Motorsport rebranded. We designed a new logo and look for SEM that will be used for years to come. The team also continued the design of SEM-02 alongside expanding our marketing team.


Following our first competition, our team for the 2019/20 season began the design for SEM-02, our second EV. Each year our team has been growing, creating a diverse group of students from a variety of engineering principals.

SEM 2019/20

Our team for the season ready to design our next car

SEM 2018/19

The team pictured at our first Shell Eco Marathon competition


In 2019, SEM competed in our first Shell Eco Marathon competition! After the amazing effort that our team has put into SEM-01 since 2015, the manufacture of our EV was complete. Following our arrival, we passed scrutineering and proceeded to complete the final tests of our car.


For the season beginning in 2017, Sheffield Eco Motorsport worked on our first EV, SEM-01, and began its manufacture, turning our CAD and diagrams into reality!

SEM 2017/18

SEM-01 Design

SEM 2016/17

Team Social


In 2016, our first team began designing SEM-01 whilst planning to compete in their first Shell Eco Marathon in the coming years. Sheffield Eco Motorsport began our EV design, considering the rules and regulations our design needed to meet to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon competition.


Sheffield Eco Motorsport was founded in 2015 by a team of engineering students at The University of Sheffield.

SEM founded in2015

Team Logo Pre 2020