Who We Are

We are the University of Sheffield’s team competing in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge and the iLumen European Solar Challenge. 

Our team competes in the challenger class: designing and manufacturing the most efficient solar vehicle.

Our Team

Our team comprises 50 students from a range of disciplines to cover all aspects of designing and manufacturing our vehicle:

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineering

  • General Engineering

  • Material Science

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  • Automatic, Control and Systems Engineering

  • Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering

  • Electronics and Computer Engineering

We have a diverse variety of knowledge on our team, taking on students of every year from Foundation Year to Final Year.

Interested in joining our team?

We run a recruitment at the start of each academic year for students in any year or discipline. Keep an eye on our website during the Autumn Semester in Intro Week and Week 1 to see how to apply. Feel free to contact us with any questions. See our Apply Now section for more details.

Interested in sponsoring our team?

Find out more on our dedicated sponsorship page.

The Competition

The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge is an international competition bringing together student teams from all over the world to design, manufacture and race the most energy-efficient car. 

Unlike most races, speed is not the main objective. Instead the aim is complete a 3,000 km route across the length of Australia.

For the iLumen European Solar Challenge, the aim is to travel the furthest distance using in 24 hours primarily using solar energy to charge the car.